Monday 21 March 2016

Shot List

This is a copy of my shot list:

ES = Establishing Shot
ELS = Extreme Long Shot
LS = Long Shot
MLS = Medium Long Shot
MS = Medium Shot
MCU = Medium Close Up
CU = Close Up
ECU = Extreme Close Up
LA = Low Angle
HA = High Angle
OTS = Over The Shoulder
BEV = Birds Eye View
POV = Point Of View
TS = Two Shot
TF = Tightly Framed
LF = Loosely Framed

ES - Tower Bridge - “I see things”
Primrose Hill - “I see things that aren’t there”
Westminster Bridge
Harley Street (including street sign) - “I must be going crazy”

Film everything in MaS

MeS/CU - Psychiatrist listening (Lead reads entire dialogue)
MeS/CU - Lead “Ever since I got back from Afghan...”
MaS - Corner - Both of them “Everything has changed”
LS - People staring as lead walks down street “All those sleepless nights”
POV - People staring as he walks down the street

MeS - Walking
MeS - People staring
POV - Someone staring at him walking passed
MCU/CU - Lead walking (Slow motion) and turns his head into camera
POV LS - Someone staring at Lead and tracking his movement
MCU - Lead turns head from across street and looks forward all while walking
LS - Lead on bus alone at back of bus
MS/MCU - Lead sitting at back (Shot to be taken around two rows ahead)
MS/MCU/CU - Someone staring back at lead
POV LS/MCU/CU - Lead looking at person staring

Psychiatrist is always sitting up

MCU/CU - Psychiatrist listening
MCU/CU - Lead talking “They’re trying to kill me”
MCU/CU - Lead looking blank
OTS [Lower down] - Psychiatrist opens draw (Read lines before)
BEV/CU/ECU - Psychiatrist grips gun
OTS - Psychiatrist looks up “Please continue”

Everything next to be filmed in CU and MCU

TS/LS - Lead sitting on park bench with gf “They’re not just dreams, I swear they’re out to get me”
MS - GF looks into leads eyes “Who’s out to get you? Did something happen to you in the past that I don’t know about? Something in Afghanistan?”
TS LS - GF  “I’m always here for you!” ??? More concerned than supportive dw bout it probs nothing
MCU/CU - Lead - “There was this guy”
MS - GF - “What guy?”
MS - Lead - They’re trying to kill me
MS - GF emotionally - No one is trying to kill you...They can’t be!


LS - Lead being tortured -
LS - Lead being torturer - Lead kicking someone on the floor
MS - Lead being tortured - Lead in headlock
MCU - Lead realisation in park
Repeat of psychiatrist gun in draw
MS - Realisation in park [Looks up]
ELS - Lead and GF sitting on park bench - someone watching in the distance

Action montage  

LS - sees men with guns
MS corner angle - Main character runs past followed quickly by two others
LS-MCU same angle as before - Fast car
MS GET FROM MULTIPLE ANGLES - Head being held down in car
MCU - Gun being held to head
MS - Dragging guy into car
LS - Whacking door open - Breach with gun
MCU - Man growling “This ends now” link up with gun being held to head
MLS - Aiming gun
MS - Pin up against wall
MS from in the car back left seat - Main character standing on curb
MS From corner behind - car swings in man jumps back
MS - Guy gets pushed
MS Canted Framing - GF gets dragged away by Aaron
MS - Knock back gun/reload
CU - Villains face as he reloads
CU - Of gun
MS+CU - Start of punch (swing back)
MS - Back of car shot looking at person running behind
MCU/CU - Lead shouting in phone (Out of breath) “They’re trying to kill me”
MCU TS - Villain punching
MS+MCU - Psychiatrist closing bomb case
MS - Both behind angles of handover
MCU - Handover - Bomb
MS - Camera on floor - Someone falls into camera - Fight on floor - Lead and villain
MS Reverse MCU OTS  - Villain on top of lead on floor grabbing lead neck fist raised to strike
CU - Lead’s face - Villain says ‘Prepare to die’
MS - Lead toughening up? Pull ups?
MS - Lead doing Push ups?
Lead running away from explosion
MS - Villain running with bomb
MS - Lead fighting off man with knife
MS - Villain loading his gun
LS - Lead aiming gun down dark stairs
MS - Lead strapped down in chair
MS LA - Psychiatrist holding a hammer tapping it into his hand
MS LA - Asda car park - Lead walking fast - “They’re coming to kill me” - Into Phone
Three kings - Villain face CU to Lead CU with villain walking past cam
MCU - Villain walks in “Time to turn the tables”

CU - Lead - Hostage masked removed

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