Wednesday, 6 April 2016

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products? - Magazine

As part of my marketing campaign, I had to create a magazine front cover.

Before I started the planning of my magazine front cover, I decided to analyse some existing film publications to determine the conventions of a magazine front cover.

To determine the conventions of magazines, I looked at a mainstream magazine and an independent magazine.

I found that all film publications shared the basic conventions such as masthead, cover lines, barcode, slogan, etc. This researched made me understand what to put on a magazine front cover to make it seem authentic.

I then had a look at the different types of magazines to gain an understanding in which type of magazine would feature my film.

This research gave me a better indication in to how the different conventions are used depending on the style of the magazine and it gave me and indication of how I wanted my magazine front cover to look. After this research, I thought it was most appropriate to base the style of magazine of a mainstream magazine such as Empire. I then decided to look at different Empire covers to determine how the conventions were used (font, colour scheme, layout, etc.).

Like the Empire masthead, the masthead for Splice is at the top of the page and is in a thick, square font. Most Empire covers tend to have a central protagonist on the front cover, so mine features the same. To add authenticity, I have added a price, issue number, date, barcode, etc. 

Most of the Empire Magazines I looked at had a main cover line relating to the central image so I included this on my cover as well. I also noted that most covers had a banner, cover lines with Hollywood references, and a slogan so I added all of these to make my magazine cover feel as real as possible.

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